Friday, September 18, 2009

Wolf Quest - Wolf Simulation Game

Wolf Quest
Click this link to get there:

Wolf Quest was based on research, and created through the Minnesota Zoo, and EduWeb.
Minnesota Zoo LogoEduWeb Logo

Wolf Quest is a free, down-loadable game for Windows or Mac OS. It lets you run around as a wolf in the wild as you hunt, look for a mate, keep yourself fed, explore the territories, track by scent, and other such things that wolves do in the wild.

You must fill out some basic demographic information in order to download it, but this only includes non-personal things like your age, gender, country, state, and ethnicity. There's an option to leave your e-mail address to receive a newsletter, but it's not required.

Content Warning: This game includes chowing down on a beast that you've hunted, to stay fed. Wolves are messy eaters, so the beast's mid-section turns red, once you've eaten from it. Also, some younger children might get scared when their wolf gets attacked by other wildlife, and you have to either fight back or run away, before the wolf's life bar goes empty. Despite these things, it's a very educational way to see how a wolf would wander around and survive in the wild!

International Wolf Center Logo

The full site,, is run by the International Wolf Center, and has a lot more information about wolves. It also has a few activities for kids, teachers, or adults. Check it out!